BGL - Hook Spanners
Hook Spanners
It is a tool for tightening a nut with slots in the outer diameter. It is used for the correct sleeves and nuts assembling, because it avoids hammer and chisel punches to be used to tighten the nut, one of the main causes that reduces the bearings useful life.
DmNut OD
FTooth Width
Order By:
Code Nut OD
  Code   Dm
HN 1 22 2 120 4.7
HN 2 25 2.5 120 4.7
HN 3 28 2.5 120 4.7
HN 4 32 2.5 120 4.7
HN 5 38 3 150 4.7
HN 6 45 3.5 180 6.3
HN 7 52 3.5 180 6.3
HN 8 58 4 210 8
HN 9 65 4 210 8
HN 10 70 4 210 8
HN 11 75 4 210 8
HN 12 80 5 240 8
HN 13 85 5 240 8
HN 14 92 5 240 8
HN 15 98 5 240 8
HN 16 105 5 240 8
HN 17 110 5 280 12.7
HN 18 120 5 280 12.7
HN 19 125 5 280 12.7
HN 20 130 5 280 12.7
HN 21 140 6 320 12.7
HN 22 145 6 320 12.7
HN 23 148 10 394 12.7
HN 24 153 10 416.5 12.7
HN 25 158 10 429 12.7
HN 26 163 10 436.5 12.7
HN 27 173 12 451.5 15.8
HN 28 178 12 464 15.8
HN 29 188 12 484 15.8
HN 30 193 12 496.5 15.8
  Code   Dm
HN 31 198 13 509 15.8
HN 32-HN 33 208 13 519 15.8
HN 34 218 13 544 15.8
HN 36 228 15 564 15.8
HN 38 238 15 584 15.8
HN 40 248 15 604 15.8
HN 44 278 15 634 15.8
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BGL - Bertoloto & Grotta Ltda. | Sleeves for Bearings.
Av. Major José Levy Sobrinho, 1296 | Boa Vista
13486.190 | Limeira-SP | Brasil
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